Are you aware that there are. Anyway, the 'remote mines of Western Australia' are dangerous shartholes in the middle of nowhere which is part of the reason you get paid a lot. The other reason is that the mines make mad bank (like millions a day) so they pay good money to attract the best cunce. You don't just rock up (lol) and walk straight into a 200k truck driving job, there's a lot of competition so they can be picky about who they choose. I'd do it for 200k AU for 9 months work. You prob get accomodation and other shiit paid for too so nothing to spend you cash on except piss and mining town hookers.

Roadmaster answers the question, 'How much money do truck drivers make?' With detailed information about the average salary of a professional truck driver. Jun 03, 2013 The Truth about Truck Drivers Salary or How Much Can You Make per month Driving a Semi Truck. (How Much Do You Make In Truck. If you switch into driving heavy trucks, you could be earning £22,000 a year, with the highest truck drivers earning £31,500 a year. Find out more about careers. For a bigger boss. You can find out what people in your job go on to do next, and what they end up earning using the PayScale search tool here.

In addition to the already mentioned points, - There's the cost of renting a house to consider - You live/work in a place that is very far away from civilisation, as someone else said FIFO - Although, not very dangerous, there's always the risk of injury considering the scale of machinery used and the kind of work being done - Tend to miss out on a fair few of life's pleasures and experiences The biggest kicker though is the time away from home, although one could argue that when you're young, work at a mine/oil rig for about 10 years, get rich and come back to work a normal 9-5 job. By the way, laundry guy on an oil rig is 200k+. I don't know if the money could justify that kind of life. After graduating, my perspective has shifted a lot more towards enjoying my years on Earth, rather than amassing as much fortune as I can; so friends, family has taken a way bigger priority than $$. This seems to be echoed by my mate who's an engineer up in the Territory.

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Billa 2009 Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed Watch Online. He says that after a year, he'll be looking to come back to Melbourne.

Note from TruckingTruth: We have a lot of new information about truck driver pay: • • • • Be sure to check those out! Wow, it's hard to believe, but I've been at my current employer for 1 year as of today. I began in January of 2009, completed that in February of 2009, and was hired on in March of 2009. This post will simply serve as some observations that I've made trying to. Getting To See It All One of the main reasons I got into truck driving was to see as much of this country as possible. I'm pleased to say, I have been to all of the lower 48 states except for North Dakota.

Some states I've only been through small sections, and others I've covered extensively. But the main thing is, I've seen a lot. From the most congested areas in New York, to the most remote areas of Montana. From the Pacific to the Atlantic (and the Gulf of Mexico too!). From sea level to over 11,000ft above sea level. From desert sand to several feet of snow. From slums to the Vegas strip.

I've seen it all. In just one year, I've seen more of this country than most people see in their entire lifetime. I still become awestruck at the sights. Very few careers give people the opportunity to see so much. Freedom From The Man's Hand Another reason I got into truck driving was for the independence.

This has been a mixed bag of results. On one hand, truck driving is not as independent as it used to be.

We are constantly and our every move is recorded. I am now on electronic logs so I can't simply drive when I want and fill in the details later. My dispatcher always knows where I am, where I'm going, what I'm doing, how many hours are left on my logs, how long I've been in the sleeper, etc. I'm told where to fuel, what route to drive, how fast I can go, how many RPM's I can use climbing hills, and many more endless rules I must follow, let alone what the says I can and can't do! So the freedom from that point of view is not like it used to be.

However, unlike my last job, I am usually 1,000 miles or more away from my dispatcher. I really don't know who my 'boss' is. My dispatcher (or Fleet Manager) isn't my boss, he's simply a co-worker. I honestly cannot tell you who my boss is. I've never spoken to my boss.

My dispatcher also doesn't really care when I drive, as long as I make it to my customer on time. Some loads require that I drive all the hours I have available to me. Others allow me to sort of take my time and wake up without an alarm clock. There are times I work when I don't want to, but there are other times when I totally set my own schedule.

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