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Program Focus The research endeavors of Dr. Askew's position are closely tied to his extension activities. Research efforts of his program include: development and evaluation of new herbicides on site and in the lab/glasshouse, evaluation of organic and cultural weed control, new diagnostic and application technology, and environmental effects of weed management in turfgrass.

Askew also manages the Phytochemistry and Radioactive Materials laboratory at the Glade Road Research Facility where his team conducts research on herbicide physiology and herbicide-resistant weeds. Current Projects Dr. Askew has generated and spent over $2.0 million in the past decade for research endeavors aimed at improving weed management programs for Virginia turfgrass managers. Most of his grant funding comes from corporate partners, the Virginia Turfgrass Foundation, Virginia Golf Course Superintendents Association, and the Virginia Department of Transportation.

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The following are short titles of projects underway by his current graduate students: • Improved seedhead supression via winter applications of ethephon • Mode of action and mechanism of selectivity for annual bluegrass control on golf putting greens by methiozolin • Characterizing herbicide resistant annual bluegrass, goosegrass, perennial ryegrass, and buckhorn plantain • Developing goosegrass control programs in warm-season turfgrass • Measuring the influence of annual bluegrass and other putting green surface factors on golf ball trajectories. Revancha Del Tango Rarlab. Education Ph.D.

Crop Science, North Carolina State University, 2001 M.S. Weed Science, Mississippi State University, 1997 B.S. Courses Taught • PPWS 4984 - Applied Weed Sci. For Turfgrass & Ornamentals (Instructor) • PPWS 6004 - Applied Weed Science Technology (Instructor) • PPWS 4754 - Weed Science (Guest Lecturer) • PPWS 4264 - Pesticide Usage (Guest Lecturer) • CSES 3565 - Turf Ecology (Guest Lecturer) • CSES 4564 - Integrated Turf Management (Guest Lecturer) • AT 0434 - Pest Management (Guest Lecturer) • AT 0664 - Golf & Sports Turf Management (Guest Lecturer) • HORT 4205 - Public Gardens Management (Guest Lecturer) • HORT 5104 - Intro. Quikseps Professional V4 For Adobe Photoshop Download on this page.

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