Century 21 Accounting 7th Edition Chapter 13 Test A Push

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Century 21 Accounting 7th Edition Chapter 13 Test A Push

Chapter 4 American Life in the 17th Century 1607-1692 The Unhealthy Chesapeake Half the people born in early Virginia and Maryland did not survive past age 20 due to widespread disease. At the beginning of the 18 th Century, Virginia was the most populous colony with 59,000 people. Maryland was the 3 rd largest, after Massachusetts, with 30,000. The Tobacco Economy By the 1630s, 1.5 million pounds of tobacco were being shipped out of the Chesapeake Bay every year and almost 40 million by the end of the century. Because of the massive amounts of tobacco crops planted by families, ' indentured servants' were brought in from England to work on the farms. In exchange for working, they received transatlantic passage and eventual ' freedom dues', including a few barrels of corn, a suit of clothes, and possibly a small piece of land.

Virginia and Maryland employed the ' headright' system to encourage the importation of servant workers. Under its terms, whoever paid the passage of a laborer received the right to acquire 50 acres of land. Chesapeake planters brought some 100,000 indentured servants to the region by 1700. These 'white slaves' represented more than 3/4 of all European immigrants to Virginia and Maryland in the 17 th Century. Frustrated Freemen and Bacon's Rebellion In 1676, about 1,000 Virginians, led by a 29-year-old planter, Nathaniel Bacon, revolted against the Virginia government. They resented Virginia's Governor William Berkeley for his friendly policies towards the Indians. When Berkeley refused to retaliate for a series of savage Indian attacks on frontier settlements (due to his monopolization of the fur trading with them), the crowd attacked Indians and chased Berkeley from Jamestown, Virginia.

Devil May Cry 5 Download For Pc Highly Compressed. They torched the capitol. During the civil war in Virginia, Bacon suddenly died from disease. Ad1981b Driver Download Win7 Zip. Berkeley took advantage of this and crushed the uprising, hanging more than 20 rebels.

Charles II complained of the penalties dealt by Berkeley. Due to the rebellions and tensions started by Bacon, planters looked for other, less troublesome laborers to work their tobacco plantations.

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